Want or need to buy a new work truck? The next question that every business owner or fleet manager must now answer…Do we lease or do we buy a new work truck?
Unfortunately, this question will need to be asked and answered several times. Even after the pros and cons, every financial option and business demands have been weighed, there is always that little voice of doubt- “did I make the right choice?” The answer is never clear cut and depending on your company’s needs, both options have their advantages. Leasing a new vehicle has its appeal, but is more restrictive and ultimately more expensive than buying and keeping it for a while.
Leasing Pros:
• Lease payments are lower than loan payments
• Get a new car every few years
– Latest safety equipment, technology and warranty
• No hassles at the end of a lease
– Hand over keys if all requirements were met
• Additional financial incentives
– Can be claimed as a tax deduction
Leasing Cons:
• You don’t own the vehicle
– Must be maintained in excellent condition and no modifying
• Penalties for wear, tear, and mileage
– Plan to pay for excessive mileage or poor condition
• Depreciation fees at end of lease
• Endless payments
– Could end up paying more in the long run
Whether you lease or buy, Fleetwest has the service body for your fleet work truck. Fleetwest offers both heavy duty steel and fiberglass service bodies that are 100% transferable, even fully loaded, with a no holes drilled installation. These units are built to outlast many vehicles. That makes them a better return on investment! Not to mention more efficient and increase technician productivity. This decision is a no-brainier!
Check it out for yourself here. Call for a quote today toll-free in the U.S. (866) 497 -7200.